Saturday, September 20, 2008

Virtual Virtue

I adore the pumpkin and spice color scheme of this coffee house. It’s so autumnal. A great place to look around and write about what catches my attention.

At the next table, a man wears a dark green t-shirt. The front has the illustration from the Cascade dish detergent box. The back reads, “So Clean We’re Virtually Spotless.”

Virtually spotless. Spotless virtual reality. My imagination churns and makes me hopeful. Maybe someday we will have virtual worlds that we can escape to with the intention of enjoying spotlessness, if only for a brief while.

Although, now that I think about it, in the virtual worlds we already have like Second Life, it seems people are much more attracted to the spots than the cleanliness. Rather than striving to be better creatures, they turn themselves loose. The universal wildness of human (or frequently animal) nature. What’s that all about?

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